DevOps Pro Europe is a conference, which takes place every year. It covers the core principles and concepts of the DevOps methodology and demonstrates how to use the most common DevOps patterns to develop, deploy and maintain applications on-premises and in the cloud. The conference will be hybrid: you will be able to attend workshops and listen to talks on-site or online – it’s your choice. 

WHEN&WHERE: 11-13 May 2021, Vilnius and online.

WHAT’S SPECIAL: During DevOps Pro Europe some of our teammates will be presenting their extensive knowledge. Marta Różańska, Alicja Reniewicz i Paweł Skrzypek will be running a workshop for the attendees. Moreover, Alicja and Paweł will also be the speakers of a 45-minute-lasting session!


Session I 9:00 – 10:30 GMT+3 
Introduction to Multi-Clouds and Modelling Cloud Applications  

  1. Organizational topics, access, credentials
  2. Introduction to Multi-Cloud optimization
  3. Survey of the latest research and the existing tools,
  4. Overview of MELODIC and extensions in MORPHEMIC

Session II 10:45 – 12:15 GMT+3 
Multi-Cloud Deployment, Platform overview 

  1. Hands-On: Setting up the MELODIC platform [materials:]
  2. MELODIC – platform overview

Session III 13:15 – 14:20 GMT+3 Multi-Cloud Deployment, Application Modelling 

  1. CAMEL

Session IV 14:35 – 16:30 GMT+3 
Multi-Cloud Deployment, Monitoring and Adaptations 

  1. Hands-On: Autonomous Optimization in the Cloud; [materials:]

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